The Best Treatments & Solutions For Hair Loss & Thinning Hair

There are many options to choose from if you are looking for a hair loss solution and it can be confusing knowing which is right for you. The first step if you are struggling with hair loss is to talk to a medical practitioner or trichologist who can work out what type of hair loss you are experiencing and why this is happening to you.  For example, you may have an underlying health issue or hormonal change which has caused changes in your hair and scalp, or perhaps you are undergoing chemotherapy or are experiencing changes as a result of new medication. 

Once you have a better understanding of what is causing your hair loss, it will become easier to move forward to find a solution.  At Rituals Hair Salon in Scotter, Lincolnshire, we offer two options designed to restore your confidence as a result of thinning hair or hair loss.  We offer a revolutionary Hair Replacement System which gives you a full head of hair that looks and feels just like your own before the hair loss.  We also offer a wigs and hair toppers service where we will sell, fit and style your wig so it looks natural.

Read on to find out more about some of the best hair loss solutions available in the UK.  If you would like to book a consultation with one of our hair loss experts, please call Rituals Hair Salon on 01724 764418. 

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Hair Replacement System

Our incredible hair replacement system offers a non-surgical solution to hair loss - giving men and women a full head of hair that looks and feels completely natural.

With this non-surgical hair replacement system, we can restore confidence to male and female clients and children suffering hair loss from alopecia, chemotherapy, burns, illness, stress or female/male pattern baldness.

We are able to create a 'second scalp' containing beautiful, natural human hair.  The system is undetectable, fits perfectly, and is made from medical-grade, breathable material.  

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Wigs, Hair Toppers & Volumisers

We offer a wide range of ladies' wigs and hair toppers at our hair salon in Lincolnshire.  Our wigs have been hand-picked to give you a variety of looks from modern and classic hairstyles for women of all ages.  They have also been designed for optimum comfort and will be securely fitted, cut and styled in our salon to ensure you look and feel your very best. Check out some of our quality ladies' wigs here.

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Hair Transplants

Hair Transplants - also known as Follicular Unit Extraction - is where healthy hair follicles are implanted from one area of the scalp into another area of the scalp to improve the thinning hair area.  If you have widespread thinning hair or baldness then this option is not for you as you require healthy hair follicles to be transplanted to the bald areas. 

Plasma Rich Platelet Treatments

Plasma Rich Platelet treatments use your own blood to promote hair growth. The processed PRP solution or plasma contains a concentration of platelets and growth factors designed to stimulate and accelerate hair growth.  The plasma is injected into the thinning hair areas. 

Vitamin Infusions To Boost Hair Growth

It is also worth looking at your diet when it comes to hair loss.  Are you getting the right vitamins and minerals to promote healthy hair and scalp? Intravenous vitamin infusions can boost hair growth.  Vitamins that play a role in maintaining healthy hair follicles include vitamin C, B complex vitamins including Biotin, Niacin (Vitamin B3), Folic Acid and Zinc.